
Posts Tagged ‘appreciation’

Put Your Records On

June 1, 2010 Leave a comment

When do I feel most like myself? Honestly.

I feel most like myself when I’m sitting in the park, feel up, wearing a sundress and kitten heels, and singing along to my favorite tune.

It seems like we’re taking out the most simply and beautiful things in life. Everything doesn’t have to be so complicated; we don’t have to make everything extraordinary. Nothing is “cool” or “hip” or “fun” unless someone says it is. No one person is the only one to say if something is in vouge. It’s all up to you, it’s all up to me, it’s all up to everyone on the world. When going to the movies is a normal, everyday activity to most, a large amount of people in the world would be utterly excited to see a flick on the big screen.

In English class this past year, we read the American play Our Town. In one scene of the play, one of the men who lives in the town is asked by an audience member if there is any culture in the town. The man then responds by saying that though there is little culture, all of the people in the town appreciate the little things, like the rising of the sun and moon. I wish things could be that simple. But alas, we’re all seduced by the beauty of what is modern entertainmet. And nothing’s wrong with that! But, I wish I could say more for myself.

By the way, let me say…I love being able to enjoy the sun on my face and shoulders again. It feels good. Summer, you were missed.


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