
Posts Tagged ‘introductions’

Welcome to my life.

November 12, 2009 3 comments

“So come over, just be patient, and don’t worry.

The name’s Chloe, and I’m new to this whole blogosphere. I’m just dipping my toes in at the momment; not really trying to write anything groundbreaking or anything. One day I might actually write something worth celebrating, but you probably won’t get any of those nice little tidbits of true love and pure writing once a month or so. I’ll probably write something once a week; this is my new form of journals. I can’t promise (or even fathom) that anyone will read this. But if anyone does…hi.

I’m young, but my mental spirit is pretty old. I’ve also got an inner child, however, and that is where my infectious laughter and “glittery” eyes originate from. I like to write, paint, draw, and learn. History is my main site of attraction right now. Learning about the past gives me a feeling of happiness. I also dance, and I’m not sure if I can sing. I find it impossible to sing in front of other human beings…but, that does not stop me from singing and tap dancing to showtunes at the top of my lungs. Dancing with myself.

I am a mighty, mighty Christian, and I’m trying to get stronger and stronger each day. If that bothers anyone…sorry. But I’m not going to hide it at all. It’s a part of me, and anyone who can’t accept it probably can’t be my “friend” as you say it. I, however, will accept anyone who comes across.

I read like nobody’s business; fantasy is my main genre of passion, but only because books that are targeted toward my age group are usually following this plotline: Girl meet boy. Boy like girl. Girl like boy? Girl and boy make out, fight it out, and break it off. Then, girl and boy make up and make out. Again. That’s not too interesting to me. So, fantasy fills up much of my library. After that, we have some historical fiction (The Great Gatsby? Amazing.) and then we have a mixmash of everything else. Oh, and don’t forget the poetry. Shel Silverstein and Edgar Allen Poe are my life.

I’m going to try and round this up around 400 words. This is my life in a nutshell: I’m a nerd, I’m pretty personable, I love easily, and I can transfer my emotions in words better than vocally. It’s my life. Don’t you forget.

Oh, and did I mention I like music?

Explaination of blog title: Everyone is crazy about something. And what do we all want other people to be? Crazy about what we’re crazy about. For this reason, we are nice to all surronding. The crazy people on the street, in the schools, or in your homes, are the nicest people you will ever meet. I’m one of them. I don’t want anything in return though. I may change the title to “Epigrams of an Eternal Optimist,” but I’m liking what I’ve got.

Nevermore. -chloe.

“I know a thing or two about books, and that’s a book.”

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